Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes--Part 1

It's a glorious morning in Paris, KY! I have heard the old saying "If you don't like the weather around here, wait 20 minutes..." and I think it applies to KY. Of course, is predicting light showers later today (the X country course is open at 1), and a steady rain all day tomorrow and Friday. Dressage riders/horses *love* riding in the rain.....and if you believe this, I've got a really nice bridge in Brooklyn that I'd like to talk to you about.

Fortified with Starbucks, I'm ready to roll (note: my brother and his family do not--I repeat, do NOT--drink coffee, so I had to bring my own, along with a French press. I will still claim them because they are generously housing me...but no coffee?!?! That's just *wrong*). But I'm packing the rain gear, just in case....

By the way, Kentucky is beautiful: rolling hills, all shades of green, lovely trees, nicely kept fences surrounding the farms, and so forth. Fecundity, thy name is Kentucky. Sigh. It reminds me of my Midwest roots, and I find myself longing for this kind of scenery on a daily basis (West Texas is flat. Trees aren't native. The antithesis of here). I'm inspired--and I haven't even gotten to the horse park yet!

More upon my return.

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